Configure who can subscribe other users to channels

Configure who can subscribe others to channels in general

Subscribing someone to a channel requires having content access to that channel. All members of an organization can access content in public channels.

For private channels, content access must be granted explicitly. Users have content access if:

  • They are subscribed to the channel, or
  • They have the permission to add subscribers (themselves or others) to the channel.

This feature is only available to organization owners and administrators.

  1. Click on the gear () icon in the upper right corner of the web or desktop app.

  2. Select Organization settings.

  3. On the left, click Organization permissions.

  4. Under Channel permissions, configure Who can subscribe others to channels.

  5. Click Save changes.

Configure who can subscribe anyone to a specific channel

If you have permission to administer a public channel, you can configure who can subscribe anyone to it. For private channels, you additionally need to have content access in order to change this configuration.

  1. Click on the gear () icon in the upper right corner of the web or desktop app.

  2. Select Channel settings.

  3. Click All channels in the upper left.

  4. Select a channel.

  5. Select the General tab on the right.

  6. Under Channel permissions, configure Who can subscribe anyone to this channel.

  7. Click Save changes.