Link to a message or conversation

Zulip makes it easy to share links to messages, topics, and channels. You can link from one Zulip conversation to another, or share links to Zulip conversations in issue trackers, emails, or other external tools.

Zulip automatically creates links to channels and topics in messages you send.

The easiest way to link to a channel or topic is:

  1. Type # followed by the one or more letters of the channel name.

  2. Choose the desired channel from the auto-complete menu. The link will be automatically formatted for you.

  3. If linking to a topic, type > after selecting a channel as described above, followed by one or more letters of the topic name.

  4. Choose the desired topic from the auto-complete menu. The link will be automatically formatted for you.

When you paste a topic or channel link into Zulip, it is automatically formatted for you. You can paste as plain text if you prefer with Ctrl + Shift + V.

Alternatively, it is possible to manually format channel and topic links:

Channel: #**channel name**
Topic: #**channel name>topic name**

All URLs in Zulip are designed to be shareable. Copying the URL from the browser's address bar will work for all views, including searches.

This copies to your clipboard a permanent link to the message, displayed in its thread (i.e. topic view for messages in a channel). Viewing a topic via a message link will never mark messages as read.

These links will still work even when the message is moved to another topic or channel or if its topic is resolved.

Zulip uses the same permanent link syntax when quoting a message.

  1. Hover over a message to reveal three icons on the right.

  2. Click on the ellipsis ().

  3. Click Copy link to message.

If using Zulip in a browser, you can also click on the timestamp of a message, and copy the URL from your browser's address bar.

  1. Hover over a topic in the left sidebar.

  2. Click on the ellipsis ().

  3. Click Copy link to topic.

If using Zulip in a browser, you can also click on a topic name, and copy the URL from your browser's address bar.

  1. Press and hold a topic until the long-press menu appears.

  2. Tap Copy link to topic.

If you are viewing a single topic, you can access the long-press menu from the bar at the top of the app.

  1. Hover over a channel in the left sidebar.

  2. Click on the ellipsis ().

  3. Click Copy link to channel.

  1. Press and hold a channel until the long-press menu appears.

  2. Tap Copy link to channel.

If you are in a channel view, you can access the long-press menu from the bar at the top of the app.