User cards

In the web and desktop apps, user cards contain basic information about a user or bot. User cards are also a handy starting point for actions such as a viewing a user's profile or viewing the messages they've sent.

Information in a user's card

  • Its profile picture.
  • Its name.
  • Its owner's name.
  • Its email address, if you have permission to view it.
  • Whether the bot has been deactivated.

View someone's user card

  1. Hover over a user's name in the right sidebar.

  2. Click on their avatar or the ellipsis () to the right of their name to open their user card.

You can also click on a user's profile picture or name on a message they sent.

Alternatively, open someone's user card by selecting a message they sent, and using the U shortcut.

  1. Click on the gear () icon in the upper right corner of the web or desktop app.

  2. Select Organization settings.

  3. On the left, click Bots.

  4. Click on the name of a bot in the Name column to open its user card.